Category: Main Categories

  • 4 Ways for PwD to Move Independently

    4 Ways for PwD to Move Independently

    It is no wonder that the primary challenge that people with disabilities face is mobility. There are 26.8 million people with disabilities in India, according to the 2011 census. The number is estimated to have increased significantly over the decade. 

    When it comes to commuting, people with mobility challenges are forced to depend on the people around them. Additionally, the social stigma that unfortunately dominates even this decade restricts families to a closed environment at a national as well as societal level. 

    Needless to say, while some families gladly help their loved ones with physical challenges, it inevitably creates difficulty for the members to plan their own schedules or be away for days at the end. In this blog, let us look at 4 practical ways for people with disabilities to move independently without being a burden on their families.

    1. Assistance on-demand
      Organizations like myUDAAN provide trained and experienced assistants for you to move at your convenience and comfort. Wheelchair assistants or mobility assistants ensure your safety and stay with you for your journey, be it to the bank or across the country, or just for a breath of fresh air. But if you are booking a wheelchair assistant, be aware of 3 things before you do it.
    2. Innovative Products
      Products like VOIS  and Smart Canes are exceptional helps for travelling. VOIS is basically a pair of gloves that come with a small screen, mic, and speakers. People with hearing or speech impairment can use it as “text to speech” or “speech to text”. Smart Canes like Saarthi come with sensors to help you navigate through the crowd by yourself.
    3. Wheelchair Taxi
      A significant challenge that people with wheelchairs face is traveling by cabs. Normal cabs are not equipped for wheelchaired people to travel with ease. They need help to get in and out of the cab and even then, it is difficult. A wheelchair taxi is specially designed with a ramp to get in and out with a wheelchair easily.
    4. Wheelchair Strapon
      While wheelchairs can be driven by some people with disabilities by themselves, it could be a challenge to do so going uphill or to commute through a crowded street. The smart strapon turns your wheelchair into a small scooter that can drive you with comfort and ease. 

    Products and services like the ones listed above can truly make a person with a disability more independent. Indeed, there are agencies that help the PwD with mobility assistance. However, they usually come with one of two challenges: affordability or reliability. With myUDAAN, we are aiming to overcome both of those obstacles. For more information on our wide array of products and services, visit 

  • 3 Things to Know Before You Hire a Wheelchair Assistant

    3 Things to Know Before You Hire a Wheelchair Assistant

    If you travel with a wheelchair, you know your share of challenges with mobility. Although most people with walking disabilities have embraced their way of life, there are times when they require help to travel. And that is where wheelchair assistance helps you.

    Today, an increasing number of airports, malls, and hotels are offering wheelchair assistance. Moreover, if you are traveling by flight, most airlines are now offering mobility assistance. To further foster this cause, organizations like myUDAAN are collaborating with various places to offer assistance and create a more comfortable ecosystem for the PwD.

    While most airports offer assistance only in their own premises, myUDAAN offers help throughout the journey. Right from picking you up from your home to traveling with you across the country and ensuring your convenience is not disturbed. If you are hiring a wheelchair assistant, there are several factors you should consider. To ease up the process for you, we have crafted a short guide to help you travel with freedom and peace.

    Here are the 3 things to know before you hire a wheelchair assistant.

    1. Speak with the assistant. Ask the authority or the organization to speak with the assistant. Check your comfort with them. Ask them about their background. Tell them about your challenges and why you are seeking help. Communication is the key.
    2. Ask for verification. Do a manual KYC of the assistant so you know who the person is. You can ask for their Aadhaar/PAN card. If you are hiring from an organization, check their reviews.
    3. Check the redundancy plan. In case the attendant needs to cancel or does not show up at all, what is the plan B? Communicate this with the organization before you hire one. Even if they insist that this has never happened, ask them for a hypothetical suggestion.

    Above all, if you have any additional requirements, let the assistant know before they reach you. Most wheelchair assistants will gladly help you but it is better if they know it beforehand, so they can make arrangements, if necessary. If you are looking for a one-stop solution for your mobility challenges, you can check out our offerings. In addition to trained and experienced wheelchair assistants, we also provide numerous other services to help foster an inclusive and independent world.

    Creating mobility ecosystem

    Expert CareGivers myUDAAN

    Single Epicenter app for all your needs.

    Customers can buy unique mobility products A unique and dedicated e-commerce platform for all their needs and a platform to connect assistive technology innovators to the baneberries.

    Customers can now book an Assistant like Ola or Uber thru simple steps. People can now move freely in Malls Large format stores, & also they can venture out of stations independently.

    Customers can check location accessibility before travel. The app classifies Public Location as PwD accessible or inaccessible. My accessibility gives before-hand accessibility information.

  • Apply for a disability certificate online?

    Apply for a disability certificate online?

    The “Unique ID for Persons with Disabilities” project is being implemented with the goal of building a National Database for Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) and issuing each person with a Unique Disability Identity Card. The project will not only promote openness, efficiency, and convenience of delivery of government benefits to people with disabilities, but it will also maintain consistency. The project will also aid in streamlining the tracking of beneficiaries’ physical and financial development at all levels of implementation hierarchy, including village, block, district, state, and national levels. Using myUDAAN, you can book on-demand caregivers.

    Know more about Unique Disability Identity (UDID)

    The UDID project, launched by the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, intends to provide a comprehensive end-to-end integrated system for issuing Universal ID and Disability Certificates to people with disabilities, complete with identifying and disability details. It consists of –

    Data on Persons with Disabilities can be accessed online across the country via a single web service.
    Online registration and submission of the application form for a disability certificate/Universal ID card; Offline applications may also be accepted and digitised by agencies.
    The hospitals/Medical Board use a quick assessment technique to calculate the percentage of disability.
    Data on PwDs is not duplicated.
    Persons with Disabilities/on their behalf can renew and update information online through the MIS reporting system.
    Effective management, including interoperability, of the government’s benefits and plans

    Know more about Unique Disability Identity (UDID)

    The UDID card will provide the following benefits to Persons with Disabilities:

    Persons with disabilities will no longer need to make numerous copies of documents, store multiple documents, or carry multiple documents because the card will collect all of the relevant facts, which can be decoded with the help of a reader.

    In the future, the UDID card will be the only document of identification and verification for the disabled in order to get numerous benefits.

    The UDID Card will also aid in streamlining the tracking of beneficiaries’ physical and financial development at all levels of implementation hierarchy – from village level, block level, District level, State level, and National level.

    Types of disabilities

    As per the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights & Full Participation) Act, 1995 – A person with disability can be defined as one with one or more of disabilities falling under any of the below mentioned categories :

    • Blindness:- “Blindness” refers to a condition where a person suffers from any of the following conditions namely:-
      1. Total absence of sight; or
      2. Visual acuity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200 (Snellen) in the better eye with correcting lenses; or
      3. Limitation of the field of vision subtending an angle of 20 degree or worse;
    • Cerebral Palsy:- “Cerebral Palsy” means a group of non-progressive conditions of a person characterized by abnormal motor control posture resulting from brain insult or injuries occurring in the pre-natal, peri-natal or infant period of development;
    • Low vision:- ” Low vision” means a person with impairment of visual functioning even after treatment of standard refractive correction but who uses or is potentially capable of using vision for the planning or execution of a task with appropriate assistive device;
    • Locomotor disability:- “Locomotor disability” means disability of the bones, joints or muscles leading to substantial restriction of the movement of the limbs or nay form of cerebral palsy;
    • Leprosy-cured:- “Leprosy-cured person” means person who has been cured of leprosy but is suffering from-
      1. Loss of sensation in hands or feet as well as loss of sensation and paresis in the eye and eye-lid but with no manifest deformity;
      2. Manifest deformity and paresis but having sufficient mobility in their hands and feet to enable them to engage in normal economic activity;
      3. Extreme physical deformity as well as advanced age which prevents him from undertaking ang gainful occupation and the expression “Leprosy Cured” shall be construed accordingly;
    • Mental retardation:- “Mental retardation” means a conditions of arrested or incomplete development of mind of a person which is specially characterized by sub normality of intelligence;
    • Mental illness:- “Mental illness” means any mental disorder other than Mental retardation
    • Hearing Impairment:- “Hearing Impairment” means loss of sixty decibels or more in the better ear in the conversational range of frequencies

    How to register online

    • Person with Disability will click on register link to register with UDID Web Portal.
    • Using credentials PwD logs in to system and click “Apply online for Disability Certificate. Reads instructions and fills up online application.
    • Upload color passport photo and other requisite documents like Income Proof, Identity Proof and SC/ST/OBC proof as required.
    • Submits data to CMO Office/Medical Authority.
    • CMO Office/Medical Authority verifies data.
    • CMO Office/Medical Authority assigns the concerned specialist(s) for assessment.
    • Specialist Doctor assesses disability of PwD and gives opinion on disability.
    • Medical Board reviews the case and assign disability percentage. CMO Office prepares Disability Certificate and generates UDID and Disability Certificate.
    • UDID datasheet goes for UDID Card printing and Card dispatched to PwD.

    Creating mobility ecosystem

    Caregiver by myUDAAN

    Single Epicenter app for all your needs.

    Customers can buy unique mobility products A unique and dedicated e-commerce platform for all their needs and a platform to connect assistive technology innovators to the baneberries.

    Customers can now book an Assistant like Ola or Uber thru simple steps. People can now move freely in Malls Large format stores, & also they can venture out of stations independently.

    Customers can check location accessibility before travel. The app classifies Public Location as PwD accessible or inaccessible. My accessibility gives before-hand accessibility information.

  • How do you deal with a sudden disability?

    How do you deal with a sudden disability?

    Coping with a sudden illness or disability is never easy. Your life will change in many ways, and the adjustment phase may be difficult. You may feel lost and shaky in the first few days, weeks, or even months as you become overly focused on what you have lost in the process.

    Here’s what you should know: it’s perfectly normal, and you’re not alone.

    Your anxieties and negative feelings are understandable after being diagnosed with such a medical issue, but keep in mind that you always have power over how you respond to the circumstance. There will always be a method to improve your situation. You can work on improving yourself by expanding your independence and exposing yourself to new situations that will empower you.

    Living a full and happy life is still possible, regardless of the disease or disability that has befallen you. Here are some strategies to help you cope and thrive in the face of your condition. These are not quick remedies, but with enough time and patience, they can help you power over the obstacles in your path with more ease.

    How to deal with and prosper in the face of a disability

    1. Allow yourself time to mourn.

    It’s fine not to be sad. You don’t have to force yourself to be happy; in fact, doing so may end up causing more harm to your psyche. You are acutely aware of how your disability or sickness has affected your body right now. You may have lost some physical or cognitive abilities, and you may discover that tasks that were formerly simple now offer a significant challenge to you in a variety of ways.

    Ignoring your emotions is unhealthy. The best course of action is to go through your feelings and allow yourself to grieve. There’s also a good probability you’ll go from one emotion to the next. Ups and downs are entirely normal, and it is critical to allow yourself to feel whatever feeling you are experiencing without criticizing yourself.

    At this stage, you may want to consider counselling or speaking with a psychiatrist. Consultation with a competent therapist or psychiatrist may help you deal with your emotional upheaval and educate you how to manage your feelings.

    1. Come to terms with your limitation.

    Coming to terms with a sickness or impairment is not easy. You may be tempted to reminisce about the days when you were not burdened with this load, but you must try to remember that you must focus on finding ways to adjust to your new “normal condition.” This will bring you one step closer to acceptance.

    Maybe you can’t see anymore, or maybe you’ve lost your hearing or your ability to walk. Perhaps you’ve been diagnosed with a mental disorder that makes it difficult for you to function in society as you used to. New hope may arise from searching out people who have similar stories, so you may discover how they are managing and thriving despite their disability.

    1. Reduce the impact of your handicap on your daily life.

    Your life has been impacted by the unexpected development of disease or disability. Maintain your tenacity in pushing for your rights and demands. Investigate your impairment and determine which resources you might use to ease your load. Learn how the government’s healthcare system can help you through Persons With Disabilities (PWD) benefits.

    Consider what you can still do despite your constraints. There are measures and technologies available to help you make things easier. For example, if you are now confined to a wheelchair, you may find it difficult to reach high shelves at home. You can make your living space’s fixtures and cupboards more accessible to you by modifying them.

    1. Concentrate on the present moment.

    To be able to go forward, it is critical to focus on the here and now. Thinking back to a time in your life when you were free of disease or handicap, as well as worrying about the future, will do little to help your situation.

    Getting healthy necessitates adopting a mindset focused toward working toward attainable goals. Patience is a virtue, so rejoice in every small step or success you achieve each day.

    1. Find activities and interests that make you happy.

    Developing new hobbies and engaging in new activities will help you stay interested. Finding something you enjoy will greatly enhance your mental health and give your life new meaning and purpose.

    1. Seek assistance.

    Perhaps you are on your way to physical rehabilitation and require temporary home care while you get back on your feet. Remember that your disease or the adaptive aids you use to cope with it do not define you. It is not a sign of weakness to seek assistance in order to better manage your situation.

    1. Look after your mind and body.

    Taking care of your mind and body will help you to perform to your full potential. Eating healthy with a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is especially vital for those suffering from any form of health problem. Boosting your immune system through proper food and exercise will improve your mental health, alleviate anxiety, stress, and improve your sleep quality.

    Never, ever, ever give up on yourself. A sudden sickness or disability should never prevent you from leading a life you are proud of. Working on acquiring tools and coping processes will offer you the ability to frame the circumstance in such a manner that you can live with your new reality. It is a lot of work, but it is doable. Seeking expert assistance will put you on the road to recovery.

    Hold on and hope

    myUDAAN: A one-stop solution for all problems related to Mobility

    We empower individuals to take control of their Independence.

    myUDAAN is a technology-driven service that enables the PwD and Elderly to book on-demand Mobility Assistants, get information on AccessibilityAccessibility, and access Mobility & Mobility Products. Assistive Technology coupled with our in-premise/outdoor Assistants will solve last-mile mobility issues; it also provides accessibility information not available on another medium.

    We are impatient of Lockdown days, but the PwD (Person with Disabilities) has always been under Lockdown.

    Isn’t it time to set them Free?

    myUDAAN enjoys first to competitive market advantage in a fragmented market. They are the only platform that provides all inter-related mobility solutions. In addition, they also have a one-of-a-kind mobility assistant service, which allows customers to book assistants just as they would an Uber.

    Invest in myUDAAN by clicking the below link

    myUDAAN brings Accessibility to all. The platform empowering individuals to take control of their Independence.

    myUDAAN wants to bring Mobility through Technology

    Senior care service at 50% subsidy

    Single Epicenter app for all your needs.

    Customers can buy unique mobility products A unique and dedicated e-commerce platform for all their needs and a platform to connect assistive technology innovators to the baneberries.

    Customers can now book an Assistant like Ola or Uber thru simple steps. People can now move freely in Malls Large format stores, & also they can venture out of stations independently.

    Customers can check location accessibility before travel. The app classifies Public Location as PwD accessible or inaccessible. My accessibility gives before-hand accessibility information.

  • Isn’t it time to set them Free?

    Isn’t it time to set them Free?

    Until a year back, cities were brimming with activity, our unstoppable cities. The city is always on the move, so much so that it never sleeps. We share a love-hate relationship with Trains, Buses, Cabs, Auto, and Metro. We complain often but know deep in our hearts that very few cities in the world can provide such Mobility.

    But now, you see what you have never seen or might never see global Lockdown again. All of us are confined, just waiting for this to end and go out.

    While we wait, we should now wonder about people who have been waiting to go out, travel, be free, be financially independent. Yes, there are such people, Persons with Disabilities.

    Mobility is the single largest problem faced by people with disabilities and the elderly.

    People with disabilities are among the most marginalized groups in the world. Disability is now understood to be a human rights issue. People are disabled not only by their bodies but also by society. 15.3% of the world’s population lives with some form of disability 

    These barriers can be overcome by: 

    • Promoting access to mainstream service
    • Investing in Specific programs for people with disability
    • Providing adequate funding
    • Increasing public awareness and understanding of disability

    We should take a moment and reflect. Isn’t Mobility a fundamental right for all, Shouldn’t a person with a Disability independently travel either to a Mall, a Cinema Hall, or a community Garden. Shouldn’t our infrastructure be inclusive?

    myUDAAN: A one-stop solution for all problems related to Mobility

    We empower individuals to take control of their IndependenceIndependence.

    myUDAAN is a technology-driven service that enables the PwD and Elderly to book on-demand Mobility Assistants, get information on AccessibilityAccessibility, and access Mobility & Mobility Products. Assistive Technology coupled with our in-premise/outdoor Assistants will solve last-mile mobility issues; it also provides accessibility information not available on another medium.

    We are impatient of Lockdown days, but the PwD (Person with Disabilities) has always been under Lockdown.

    Isn’t it time to set them Free?

    myUDAAN enjoys first to competitive market advantage in a fragmented market. They are the only platform that provides all inter-related mobility solutions. In addition, they also have a one-of-a-kind mobility assistant service, which allows customers to book assistants just as they would an Uber.

    Invest in myUDAAN by clicking the below link

    myUDAAN brings Accessibility to all. The platform empowering individuals to take control of their Independence.

    myUDAAN wants to bring Mobility through Technology

    Click here to view our Investment page on Republic!

    Single Epicenter app for all your needs.

    Customers can buy unique mobility products A unique and dedicated e-commerce platform for all their needs and a platform to connect assistive technology innovators to the baneberries.

    Customers can now book an Assistant like Ola or Uber thru simple steps. People can now move freely in Malls Large format stores, & also they can venture out of stations independently.

    Customers can check location accessibility before travel. The app classifies Public Location as PwD accessible or inaccessible. My accessibility gives before-hand accessibility information.

  • Does disability hamper success?

    Does disability hamper success?

    “Every person has a different kind of disability, and we need to accept & learn from each other “

    If the above quote is understood in its true meaning, then NO, Disability does not hamper success.

    Disability starts with a perception that being disabled restricts success, and this starts taking shape at a very early stage in the life of a PwD. The family becomes overprotective, dependency scores over, making the Person with disability (PwD) family member independent. These will be attributed to the overall societal thinking.

    A very few People with disabilities (PwD) come out of this mindset and start exploring options & opportunities

    “The day I realized mobility would set me free from dependency, that day I started doing things which I thought I could never do, “says Ravindra Singh, Founder of myUDAAN.

    Apart from breaking away from a protective shell, he has taken it upon himself to create a Mobility Platform for the disabled & elderly. Even the so-called ordinary people like us would not think of impacting society the way Ravindra does.

    Another critical point to note is the Person with a disability (PwD) himself/herself is the most significant change-maker for their own lives. Thinking beyond one’s disability will be the first step towards breaking the shackles limiting success.

    The Great Tennis Star Martina Navratilova says, “Disability is a matter of perception. If you can do just one thing well, you’re needed by someone”. We have seen so many people in India who have risen above their disability and have achieved the impossible. A Person with a disability (PwD) can choose whether to lament over disability and continue to fall prey to Societal thinking or look for that one thing that helps rise above circumstances.

    myUDAAN wants to bring Mobility to about 170 million Indians thru Technology

    Click here to view our Investment page on Republic!

    Single Epicenter app for all your needs.

    Customers can buy unique mobility products A unique and dedicated e-commerce platform for all their needs and a platform to connect assistive technology innovators to the baneberries.

    Customers can now book an Assistant like Ola or Uber thru simple steps. People can now move freely in Malls Large format stores, & also they can venture out of stations independently.

    Customers can check location accessibility before travel. The app classifies Public Location as PwD accessible or inaccessible. My accessibility gives before-hand accessibility information.



    First, we need to understand what investing in Social Impact means.  Social Impact Investment is a means by which individuals, institutions & governments can generate positive, measurable, social & environmental impacts alongside a financial return.

    Next, why do individuals or entities invest? The baseline is fourfold

    1. Intention – the intention is to have a positive impact on investment.
    2. ROI – The expectation is to have a return on investment while supporting the impact
    3. Diverse range – offers investments opportunities across social & environmental solutions
    4. Change – to bring about a change in the world for future generations

    You can now invest like a VC thru this link

    As per the GIIN annual social impact survey for 2020, portfolio performance meets or exceeds customer expectations for both impact & financial return.

    In 2019 for the first time, the GIIN developed a rigorous methodology to estimate the total size of the market. Since this inaugural market sizing effort, the GIIN has strengthened its database and methodology to continually improve its approach and on June 11, 2020, the GIIN published the 2020 ANNUAL IMPACT INVESTOR SURVEY, which includes an updated market sizing analysis, which estimates the current market size at USD 715 billion

    While some investors have been making impact investments for decades, recently there has emerged a new collaborative international effort to accelerate the development of a high-functioning market that supports impact investing. While this market is still relatively new, investors are optimistic overall about its development and expect increased scale and efficiency in the future.

    myUDAAN wants to bring Mobility to about 170 million Indians thru Technology

    The future of social impact investing

    As Millennials start to gain more and more equity in the markets this is an absolute sector that will continue to grow. 90% of Millennials would switch brands to one associated with a cause, so why wouldn’t Millennials switch to investments with these same values as well. With these numbers, social impact investing is poised to be a huge trend. Below are financial ventures changing the world through social impact investing.  Whether they are investing in organic farmland, fintech, innovative entrepreneurs, or sustainable energy, these companies, entrepreneurs, and organizations are using their funds to create a better, more sustainable world.

    Some of the ventures fund investing in SII

    Tiny shed Ventures invest in environmentally and socially responsible start-up companies

    HEED Capital is an impact venture fund normalizing sustainable innovations

    The Global Good Fund identifies high-potential leaders and accelerates their success through a year-long, virtual Fellowship focused on leadership development.

    Impact Engine funds for institutions and individuals that invest in for-profit, positive-impact businesses in private markets, and bring communities together in service of building the impact investing field.

    New Age Capital is a seed-stage venture capital firm and lifestyle company investing in tech and tech-enabled startups founded and led by black and Latino entrepreneurs.

    Reach Capital invests in educational startups that strengthen communities makes it easy for Social Impact startups to raise funds thru crowdsourcing.

    myUDAAN is one such social impact startup on a mission to create a mobility ecosystem for the Elderly & Persons with disabilities. You can now invest like a VC thru this link

    Do your bit to change the world

    Single Epicenter app for all your needs.

    Customers can buy unique mobility products A unique and dedicated e-commerce platform for all their needs and a platform to connect assistive technology innovators to the baneberries.

    Customers can now book an Assistant like Ola or Uber thru simple steps. People can now move freely in Malls Large format stores, & also they can venture out of stations independently.

    Customers can check location accessibility before travel. The app classifies Public Location as PwD accessible or inaccessible. My accessibility gives before-hand accessibility information.



    Given the sorry state of infrastructure for PwD (Persons with Disability), it would be natural for anyone to be biased and judge this with a negative response. There is the state of the art buildings that boast of world-class amenities but score a big zero when it comes to accessibility for PwD.

    One can come across so many experiences when speaking about the lack of facilities for this community, but there is always hope and I cannot help but share one example that has really moved me.

    I happened to glance at a room for the specially-abled at Khyber in Gulmarg, Kashmir. What caught my attention was the extensive door that opened the other way, and I quickly understood its reason. This room is specially designed, keeping in mind the requirements of PwD. Accessibility is not standardized in the hotel industry and can be easily interpreted differently, but this hotel definitely ticks all the boxes. Before you conclude, NO, I am not being paid by Khyber for this post, but I salute their spirit. No doubt the property is just outstanding, but their detail to understanding accessibility is also worthy of mentioning

    Assistive Mobility by myUDAAN

    Some things I noticed

    1. Wide parking area with the facility to park very close to the Ramp. A wheelchair user will understand how important this is.

    2. Step-free access (ramped) to the main entrance.

    3. automated door opening.

    4. lobby level accessible washroom (this I did not check personally, though)

    5. elevator to above-ground accessible accommodation.

    6. level or ramped access to public areas.

    myUDAAN wants to bring Mobility to about 170 million Indians thru Technology


    1. Wider entry and bathroom doorways, Easy for any wheelchair to access

    2. Mid-height light switches and power outlets

    3. Lever-type door handles

    4. Maneuvering space on each side of the bed

    5. Roll-in shower

    6. Wheeled shower chair and wall-mounted shower seat

    7. Grab bars in the bathroom

    8. Raised toilet

    9. Lower hanging space in the closet

    Points to note

    It would be wise to reconfirm your reservation for a guaranteed accessible room a couple of days ahead since not many accessible rooms will be available.

    A note to hotels

    If your hotel does not have an accessible room available, it would be an excellent gesture to find the PwD guest another Hotel with an accessible room.

    Note to Khyber: Thank You for making your hotel accessible in the real sense.

    Single Epicenter app for all your needs.

    Customers can buy unique mobility products A unique and dedicated e-commerce platform for all there needs and a platform to connect assistive technology innovators to the baneberries.

    Customers can now book an Assistant like Ola or Uber thru simple steps. People can now move freely in Malls Large format stores, & also they can venture out of stations independently.

    Customers can check location accessibility before travel. The app classifies Public Location as PwD accessible or inaccessible. My accessibility gives before-hand accessibility information.

  • How would you help a physically impaired person to develop to be useful to society?

    Firstly, it would be important to understand the level of disability of the person we are trying to help .

    Based on the level of disability, we will understand the mobility challenges faced by the person. Once this is known, adjustments can be made to make the person mobile. Mobility aids such as walking sticks, rollators, crutches, wheelchairs can be suggested to help the person with Mobility.

    You will be surprised what a person with a disability can achieve once they start venturing out, once they start meeting people. Modified two-wheelers and Cars are widely accepted by people from the disability community to travel to work daily. A close associate I know not only travels like an abled person but is also working to create a Mobility platform for the disabled. Ravi has not only made himself independent but is also heading a startup to help PwD with Mobility. Assistive Mobility by myUDAAN

    What you see in the image is a specifically modified car for Ravi’s use. most of the controls are hand-driven as per his requirement

    myUDAAN is Ravindra’s brainchild and he wants to bring Mobility to about 170 million Indians thru Technology

    There are many such mobility aids that people at large are unaware of. Persons with disabilities and their families can benefit immensely from knowing about these products. You can look up Assistive Mobility by myUDAAN for many such products.

    Single Epicenter app for all your needs.

    Customers can buy unique mobility products A unique and dedicated e-commerce platform for all their needs and a platform to connect assistive technology innovators to the baneberries.

    Customers can now book an Assistant like Ola or Uber thru simple steps. People can now move freely in Malls Large format stores, & also they can venture out of stations independently.

    Customers can check location accessibility before travel. The app classifies Public Location as PwD accessible or inaccessible. My accessibility gives before-hand accessibility information.

  • What is the biggest barrier for a disabled person?

    Lets make our country barrier-free for people with disabilities.

    Yes, it is. If you look around 8 out of 10 people from the disability community do not venture out of their homes because of Mobility challenges. If they step out, they can challenge the world, do the unimaginable thin people with disability face different challenges and the most daunting is one where they are considered to be different, special. Ask any person with a disability and the answer would just treat us as you would treat yourself.

    I have interactions with them since we are in the Business of providing wheelchair Assistants & Wheelchair Taxis, Believe me, you, they would like to be treated just like me & you. Any person with a disability just needs some adjustments to live like us. For instance, for locomotor disability, the biggest challenge is Mobility. Adjustments like accessibility information on the location they are traveling to, Mobility aids, Mobility assistants will help them overcome mobility challenges. They will venture out and do unimaginable things.

    myUDAAN is Ravindra’s brainchild and he wants to bring Mobility to about 170 million Indians thru Technology

    Personally, I have known people who have lost both legs and with an adjustment are taking up livelihoods and being independent. In this example the person has used Flexmo crutches Flexmo: Pain-Free, Slip Resistant Crutches ( Please note I am not paid for writing about Flexmo).

    There are many such mobility aids that people at large are unaware of. Persons with disability and their families cam benefit immensely knowing about these products . You can look up Assistive Mobility by myUDAAN for many such products.

    Single Epicenter app for all your needs.

    Customers can buy unique mobility products A unique and dedicated e-commerce platform for all there needs and a platform to connect assistive technology innovators to the baneberries.

    Customers can now book an Assistant like Ola or Uber thru simple steps. People can now move freely in Malls Large format stores, & also they can venture out of stations independently.

    Customers can check location accessibility before travel. The app classifies Public Location as PwD accessible or inaccessible. My accessibility gives before-hand accessibility information.