Lets make our country barrier-free for people with disabilities.
Yes, it is. If you look around 8 out of 10 people from the disability community do not venture out of their homes because of Mobility challenges. If they step out, they can challenge the world, do the unimaginable thin people with disability face different challenges and the most daunting is one where they are considered to be different, special. Ask any person with a disability and the answer would just treat us as you would treat yourself.
I have interactions with them since we are in the Business of providing wheelchair Assistants & Wheelchair Taxis, Believe me, you, they would like to be treated just like me & you. Any person with a disability just needs some adjustments to live like us. For instance, for locomotor disability, the biggest challenge is Mobility. Adjustments like accessibility information on the location they are traveling to, Mobility aids, Mobility assistants will help them overcome mobility challenges. They will venture out and do unimaginable things.
myUDAAN is Ravindra’s brainchild and he wants to bring Mobility to about 170 million Indians thru Technology
Personally, I have known people who have lost both legs and with an adjustment are taking up livelihoods and being independent. In this example the person has used Flexmo crutches Flexmo: Pain-Free, Slip Resistant Crutches ( Please note I am not paid for writing about Flexmo).
There are many such mobility aids that people at large are unaware of. Persons with disability and their families cam benefit immensely knowing about these products . You can look up Assistive Mobility by myUDAAN for many such products.
Single Epicenter app for all your needs.
Customers can buy unique mobility products A unique and dedicated e-commerce platform for all there needs and a platform to connect assistive technology innovators to the baneberries.
Customers can now book an Assistant like Ola or Uber thru simple steps. People can now move freely in Malls Large format stores, & also they can venture out of stations independently.
Customers can check location accessibility before travel. The app classifies Public Location as PwD accessible or inaccessible. My accessibility gives before-hand accessibility information.
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