~ Oscar Auliq-Ice, One of the hallmarks of social wellness is being inclusive, not exclusive, with our friendship. sick with effort, with nuisance, with thoughts of brain cancer too. So if we want to include everyone, we have to help everyone develop their talents and use their gifts for the good of the community. The power of poetry for diversity and inclusion Kavita Hansla, 24 October 2018 - People and culture To visualise the usefulness of diversity and inclusion, I would like you to imagine that. Does AAUW provide International Project Grants. The questionably understandable nature of its conjunction was an omnipotent directive beyond necessitated action or morphological construction . Optimistically speaking time had no relative realism to its progression because realistically nothing had happened yet . Teachers, this is an excellent book to introduce a unit on writing poetry with your students. We need to give each other space so that we may both give and receive such beautiful things as ideas, openness, dignity, joy, healing, and inclusion. ~ Tim Berners-Lee, Our diversity is our strength. ~ Denise Morrison, Unity, not uniformity, must be our aim. ~ Ruth Bader Ginsburg, You deserve a circle of inclusion and influence, but its up to you to create it. ~ Laurie Buchanan, I think if it is true that It's what makes the world go round. Diversity generated a better strategy, better risk management, better debates, and better outcomes. Just look at your arms flaying. In this poem, she encourages people to keep moving forward. Don't give up the fight for equality. Jamie. She was not only an author and poet. Ignore their hurt, their pain, and let them alone roam Civility they say is supposed to bind 5k+ Downloads Morning Flight United States Army Air Forces, Eighth Air Force 356th Fighter Group, Martlesham Heath Areodrome, Woodbridge, Suffolk, England, My whole world I waited a few minutes after he left then followed at a safe distance. You never know where theyre going. This button displays the currently selected search type. Poems that Celebrate Diversity Time to honor Native American Heritage Month (November) with this "Making Bread" poem by Debbie Reese, from THE POETRY FRIDAY ANTHOLOGY FOR CELEBRATIONS edited by Sylvia Vardell and Janet Wong (Pomelo Books, 2015) P Pomelo Books Poems that Celebrate Diversity Sports Poems Animal Poems Poems About School Kids Poems ~ Leo Tolstoy, Different roads sometimes lead to the same castle. . It fosters a safe, secure, and inclusive workplace where people with diverse backgrounds can thrive. Inert matter and geological strata will make millions of years converted into microseconds in the Verthian Biodiversity of the Duoverse, in a Psychic and spiritual Universe, emerging in all macroscopic perspectives and parapsychological regressions. The precipitous retreat from Reconstruction was followed by one of the most violent periods in U.S. history, with thousands of Black people lynched by white vigilantes, and many more afflicted by the corrupting imposition of de jure segregation. Analysis of British and Irish publications found an overall. She has read her poems at Busboys and Poets, DC, at the 100,000 Poets For Change, Souderton, PA, and the 2017 annual conference of the Society for Diversity, Chicago, IL. The differences between us are small compared to our shared humanity. Thus, we've compiled the top 100 diversity and inclusion quotes to help you create a bias-free workplace. ~ Sundar Pichai, It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity, there is beauty, and there is strength. It was so many years ago, Great Silence and Darkness War and peace in our time is a daily concern for all. You say you dont carry a bias These readingsdeemed essential, by those with whom we spokemight prove to be a good starting point. it looks like everyone. His explanation made my jaw go slack: The end of slavery in the aftermath of the Civil War is a familiar story. ~ David Boies, I can tell you, without diversity, creativity remains stagnant. ~ Howard Ross, We need to give each other the space to grow, to be ourselves, to exercise our diversity. Optimistically speaking time had no relative realism to its progression because realistically nothing had happened yet . Always remember that you often find outstanding people among those you don't particularly like. Perhaps, this is when we are truly present . World Trust Educational Services is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Three names rang out, three children answered back. Years ago, some said, ~ Karen Draper, A more diverse future begins with more opportunities. If you can find common ground, you can accomplish great things. They argue that service-learning predicated on a pedagogy of whiteness miseducates white students, marginalizes students of color, harms community partners, and fails to create transformative education. Many conversations about diversity and inclusion do not happen in the boardroom because people are embarrassed at using unfamiliar words or afraid of saying the wrong thing yet this is the very place we need to be talking about it. Celebrate National Grammar Day 2023 with poetry. Then why do you hide it in coarse sands? ~ Sheryl Sandberg, Strength lies in differences, not in similarities. Submit your work, meet writers and drop the ads. When everyone is included, everyone wins. ~ Claudia Brind-Woody, In the end, as any successful teacher will tell you, you can only teach the things that you are. To me, beauty is inclusion - every size, every color - that's the world I live in. more information I Accept. Embrace the fact that you can find common ground - if you disagree on nine out of 10 things, but can find common ground on that 10th, maybe you can make progress. you running down my cheeks, onto my dress, You dont have to be handicapped to be different. Why did you come here? Ive always said: smart teams will do amazing things, but truly diverse teams will do impossible things. Im the solution that came from the odd question that was asked. Differences in ethnicity, culture, religion and a variety of other factors can all play a role in the workplace. Its just hidden by fears to venture outside of middle-class America., Recommended reading: Afropessimism, by Frank B. Wilderson III, This book is part-memoir/part-critical theory and calls for nothing less than the end of our anti-Black world. ~ Dennis Muilenburg, I have an unwavering commitment to inclusion and diversity. Against what I ask in this modern world so ignited, so crass. MAYA ANGELOU'S INAUGURAL POEM: AN INCLUSION & DIVERSITY ACTIVITY Maya Angelou, who passed away in 2014, was a warrior for equality, tolerance and peace. Their parents and grandparents' faces crack from ear to ear. Despite the fact that this book was published in 1994, readers gain a new perspective on the racial divisiveness that plagues America today. The Art of Embracing Diversity 2020 Emma Looney- May We See May We See When we walk into a room let the inclusion be known May we not separate due to the ignorance that is known Groups not separated by gender nor color The illusions let go we have of one another Let hope be found in this world that is lost ~ Nellie Borrero, Whats often ignored is that diversity is not only a pipeline or recruiting issue. Well, spelling 'Af' did not take long. Surely, I thought, such poverty and desperation couldnt exist in a wealthy country like ours. Im invisible at times and yet all over the place. and yet, people can make ~ Richie Norton, Tolerance is not creating characters to suit a particular audience. ~ Shannon L. Alder, We have become not a melting pot but a beautiful mosaic. Our concern is to bring together. Harold Washington, Diversity: the art of thinking independently together. Malcolm Forbes, Share our similarities, celebrate our differences. M. Scott Peck, Strength lies in differences, not in similarities. Stephen Covey, Talent perceives differences; genius, unity. -William Butler Yeats, We have to transcend our differences to transform our future. Antonio Guterres, Diversity is a mix and inclusion is making the mix work. Andrs Tapia, No culture can live, if it attempts to be exclusive. Mahatma Gandhi, A democracy thrives on diversity. Odysseus questions whats a bricoleur teacher informs a rogue handyman who haphazardly constructs from whatever is immediately available Odysseus questions whats wrong with that? We are divergent, We are disparate. Talking about diversity and inclusion is an important step towards achieving equality, however many folks are unsure of how to talk about the topic at work. Ernest Miller, FSC, D.Min., M.A. . ~ Mary Parker Follett, It is not our differences that divide us. ~ James Surowiecki, Diversity of character is due to the unequal time given to values. That is the truth of it. Maya Angelou, All of us do not have equal talent, but all of us should have an equal opportunity to develop our talent. John F. Kennedy, Where, after all, do universal human rights begin? If you're missing on that stage, we learn less. Home; Ability, Disability, and Ableism; Age, Aging, and Ageism; Bias In Technology; Country of Origin, Immigration and Nativism; All Shimadzu Group companies had time together to think about diversity and inclusion (D&I). https://hubpages.com/@jodah. You make my locks feel disrespected, hair color. And each other minutely we slay. | Privacy, From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation, Equity & Excellence in Education, 45(4), Service learning as a pedagogy of whiteness, (p 612-629), Stony the Road: Reconstruction, White Supremacy, and the Rise of Jim Crow, Neurotribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity, Savage Inequalities: Children in Americas Schools, The Path We Tread: Blacks in Nursing, 1854-1984, La Salle earns military-friendly campus designation, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia president keynotes La Salles Economic Outlook, La Salle in the media | February highlights, Celebrate Black History Month with these on- and off-campus events, George B. Stow, Ph.D., a history professor at La Salle for a half-century, has died. If you are an aficionado of writing, then you'll definitely want to bookmark this site. I am the only Asian in this bar right now. What we need to do is learn to respect and embrace our differences until our differences dont make a difference in how we are treated. Yolanda King, Growing up, I decided, a long time ago, I wouldnt accept any manmade differences between human beings, differences made at somebody elses insistence or someone elses whim or convenience. Maya Angelou, Its just really important that we start celebrating our differences. ~ Williams Crenshaw, I believe in a passion for inclusion. Longtime poet but not in the traditional technical sense. ~ Stephanie Lampkin, Diversity is a fact, but inclusion is a choice we make every day. Empire State Virtual NY Branch AAUW Diversity. I always bathed. A Poem About Diversity and Inclusion, The First Collection of Poetry from Our Authors is now available on Amazon, How I Find Peace Within my Heart and Soul, The Secrets of the Moon Science Fiction Novel, Shes Beautiful! The Words of a Love Song, Great Silence and Darkness War and Peace in Our Time, WYOMING GHOST TOWNS, HAUNTINGS, TREASURE TALES, AND OTHER BS, Snowing up a Scene: Form, Impact and Wonder, Creative Exiles Publishing A Guide For Success. Arguing that racism cannot be removed from the institution of the prison because it is so deeply entrenched, Davis advocates for prison abolition and an alternative system of transformative justice that must directly and purposefully address racism, male dominance, homophobia, class bias, and other structures of domination. Her vision for what a world without prisons would look like can provide inspiration and motivation to those continuing to fight against structures that perpetuate racial and social inequality., Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing, Recommended reading: The Path We Tread: Blacks in Nursing, 1854-1984, by Mary Elizabeth Carnegie, Dr. Almost all these works are available at Connelly Library. ~ Jacqueline Woodson 3. Participants share their own rocks, rivers, and trees in an effort to understand how the System of Inequity has been woven throughout history.The exercise is part of a comprehensive module that explains and explores systemic racial inequity using multi-media. ~ Soichiro Honda, If you havent got the best talent, youre not going to be the best; if youre not representing properly the available pool of talent, then youre missing an opportunity. These phrases are similar to Black History Month quotes, Womens History Month quotes and Jewish Heritage Month quotes. Im swift. We have 30+ experiences to choose from, and thousands of five star reviews. ~ Thomas Berry, Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilization. Vantage Circle. I'm present when two or more are together If embraced I can make the good even better. Assimilation, not diversity, is what makes people and society strong. They're fast, they're slow, they can jump and run, We're all the same when we're having fun. Today we want to share this beautiful poem not only because the quality of the rhymes and figures of speech used by Dr. Maya Angelou but also because of the . 100 Powerful Diversity And Inclusion Quotes Relevant To 2023, 15 Activities Of Diversity And Inclusion In The Workplace, 6 Interesting Ways To Celebrate National Good Samaritan Day At Work, Remembrance, Reflection, And Celebration: How To Celebrate Juneteenth At Work In 2023, How to Build Employee Connection and 12 Ways to Build One. You'll surely manage 'is' and tan'!". Made with love by Cruise Labs | 2017 Simma Lieberman. They hold hands and begin spontaneously singing. 2023 teambuilding.com, all rights reserved | Terms | Privacy, Society is unity in diversity. George Herbert Mead, Our concern is to heal. ~ Antonio Guterres, A democracy thrives on diversity. We learn from each other. But moral responsibility goes further, reflecting the need for corporations to address fundamental ethical issues such as inclusion, dignity, and equality. Klaus Schwab, A diverse mix of voices leads to better discussions, decisions, and outcomes for everyone. Sundar Pichai, You cant categorize diversity based on what a person looks like. for one so fit, with miles and years to span, Therefore, he tells the reader in the poem's third line, 'every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.' This effort to obliterate the distance between self and other is inspiring and a model of how we all should approach one another." Br. It is diversity which makes our societies great not uniformity and sameness but our differences. ~ Andrea Barrica, Diversity is being invited to the party; inclusion is being asked to dance. An abstract poem in 56-words inspired by the above abstraction offered by Poetdee. This book tells the stories of Black nurses in the United States who had to open their own nursing schools and fought for the right to enter military service and university nursing programs. It is the key to growth. DuBois against the tide of white supremacy., Associate Professor, Department of Religion and Theology, Recommended reading: Racial Justice and the Catholic Church, by Bryan Massingale, Black Catholic priest and Fordham University professor Bryan Massingale addresses obstacles to meaningful Catholic engagement in racial justice work, both within the Church and in society. My weight, my height, hair and looks the floor, and if I dont wipe instantly, 2022 Alle rechten voorbehouden. We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race. Kofi Annan, There should be no discrimination against languages people speak, skin color, or religion. Malala Yousafzai, The history of the past is but one long struggle upward to equality. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Until we get equality in education, we wont have an equal society. Sonia Sotomayor, Equal rights, fair play, justice, are all like the air: we all have it, or none of us has it. Gould's poetry has garnered awards from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Astraea Foundation. I want to try to bring a new focus on poetry and try to make it appealing to a new generation of young people and those who thought they never liked or understood it before. They're rich, they're poor, they're fat, they're thin, It doesn't matter the colour of their skin. Content Expert at teambuilding.com. Maya Angelou was also a civil rights activist. There can be diversity in ethnicity, religion, nationality, sexual orientation etc. One of the UK's greatest poets, lyricists and spoken-word artist, George the Poet is a unique performer and vocal political activist. my vanity to respond to you, hair color Our writers hail from locations worldwide and they collectively welcome you, to read and enjoy the numerous pieces of poetry, stories, and related literary works on this site. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. It kind of explains all the complications, On the road to when and where I thrive. The Flower Garden One day, as I was walking This is how we belong. Farmhouse Christmas . I did not know I was a dirty girl, and then a dirty woman I'm swift. "We need to give each other the space to grow, to be ourselves, to exercise our diversity. And no one here likes Orange, but no one knows quite why." "We are a box of crayons Inserting h was not so hard. So let's begin with 'Af' and 'ghan'. We struck up conversation easily, Each individual has to take responsibility for the process of transformation. Im present when two or more are together. Differences must be integrated, not annihilated, not absorbed. Mary Parker Follett, Diversity and inclusion, which are the real grounds for creativity, must remain at the center of what we do. Marco Bizzarri, To get real diversity of thought, you need to find the people who genuinely hold different views and invite them into the conversation. Adam Grant, If you believe, as we believe, that diversity leads to better products, and were all about making products that enrich peoples lives, then you obviously put a ton of energy behind diversity the same way you would put a ton of energy behind anything else that is truly important. Tim Cook, Learn to enjoy and respect each others differences. Fred Meijer, Corporate social responsibility is measured in terms of businesses improving conditions for their employees, shareholders, communities, and environment. Flagging on Craigslist will not **** truth, PFDC Sunsilk Fashion Week April 2015: Day-4 Journal. Our cookie settings are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. As she says, the past is not the past. She offers hope by documenting the courageous actions and organizing of young Black leaders to transform U.S. society., Director, The Explorer Connection and Service Learning, De La Salle Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning, Recommended reading: Equity & Excellence in Education, 45(4), Service learning as a pedagogy of whiteness, (p 612-629), by Tania D. Mitchell, David M. Donahue, and Courtney Young-Law, The authors examine three aspects of whitenessits historical construction, its normative privileges, and its insistence on color-blindnessand link them to service-learning. ~ Edward Kennedy, Diversity is about all of us and about us having to figure out how to walk through this world together. Oneway to honor her work is to use her poetry to more deeply understand the cultural and historic legacies that perpetuate racial inequity. Isnt equality the only color? I may have a different color or a different form ~ Inga Beale, We know that diversity can sometimes be more uncomfortable because things are less familiar but it gets the best results. Thanks & best wishes, -Raj. She received an Honorable Mention in the Concrete Wolf 2017 chapbook competition. And then they were just chillin, arms stretched up but you saw only their feet, tired, dark and black. ~ Prabal Gurung, Nurturing an inclusive culture begins in the family. Im the thought lurking behind the unfamiliar face. Diversity and inclusion quotes are sayings that speak to equality, acceptance, and fair treatment of all people. In this chapter, the researcher reviewed the opinion of some past and recent writers on the subject and also added their own ideal under the following sub-headings: Hearing the birds chirp, kids playing in their yards, When I composed the History of Western Art in Verse & posted the series on 'Poetfreak.com', few Indian poet friends requested me to compose on Indian Art separately. diversity and inclusion poem TikTok : Legalnable(@legalnable), Nell(@hairbearbunch), Allison E. Lang(@allisonelang), dashellis(@dashellis), Tino Rayos(@tinorayos), Amelia . Wandering around the world in desert places, in alloys and compounds of classified plants, emptying their species through the hollow of the atmosphere and through the green shoots of grasslands in the reviving surviving evolution of organisms and species that for the first time take a look as a biotype among rocks and plantations, reciprocally among themselves and extemporaneously generating heritages of mythological genetics. ~ Octavia E. Butler, Diversity and independence are important because the best collective decisions are the product of disagreement and contest, not consensus or compromise. Only through each other will we see the importance of the qualities we lack and our unfinished soul's potential. The practice of ensuring that people with these differences experience a sense of connection and encouragement from the company is referred to as inclusion. 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