Gohan would win, easily. Goku revealed in episode 187 that he and Gohan were training hard in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Though, to Gohan's credit, one of his strikes was powerful enough to catch Broly off-guard (whereas nobody in Broly's first appearance could damage him in the least), as Broly is knocked back when kneed in the face by Super Saiyan 2 Gohan. Answer: Buff Cell is both weaker and slower than SSJ2 Gohan . "Gohan's power has grown far beyond mine. 2. Twilight: My library?! MUI Goku and Ultra Ego Vegeta Vs Beast Gohan And Orange Piccolo Power Levels Over The Years 2022 Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero Power Levels I Charlie Calipht. Gohan/Future Gohan[6]Cell[7]Goku/Goku (Black's timeline)VegetaGotenksFuture TrunksCauliflaKale[8]CabbaKeflaJanemba's Majin VegetaJanemba (possessing Vegeta)Bardock[9][10]/Xeno BardockBrolyVegito[9]Gogeta[9]Shallot[11]New Cell[11]Saiyan Future WarriorSaiyan Future Warrior The Elder Kai performed a ritual on Gohan which allowed Gohan to tap into his hidden potential, giving him a massive power boost, much stronger than his current strongest form Super Saiyan 2. Super Saiyan Grade V[1]SSJ2SS2Super Saiyajin 2Super Saiyan Rage[2]Super Vegeta 2[3]Beyond Super SaiyanAscended Saiyan[4]Super-Super Saiyan[5] Future Trunks after seeing Gohan as a Super Saiyan 2, Gohan's brief Super Saiyan 2 transformation in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Future Trunks notes that this form is superior to the Third Grade in that it greatly increases strength without the loss of speed. Gohan is way more powerful because of training and controlling his power better and he kills raditz with one headbutt. While teaching was a fun gig, being a geek and a writer seemed to be his cal What Episode Does Gohan Go Super Saiyan 2? During the fight with Kid Buu on the Sacred World of the Kai, Goku uses his Super Saiyan 2 initially to fight Kid Buu in the anime and then powers up to Super Saiyan 3 (however, Goku goes straight to Super Saiyan 3 in the manga). After sensing the danger Frieza and his army will bring, the Namekian elder decides to help the trio and unlocks some of Gohan's hidden potential. During the Tournament of Power, both Goku and Caulifla use Super Saiyan 2 in their battle. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Future Trunks displays mastery over the form, able to power himself up so much that he matches Goku's power even as a Super Saiyan 3 without even transforming. Nonetheless, he remained far stronger than the other Z Fighters. Despite appearing to be in his normal state, Gohan, in actuality, is using the power of Super Saiyan 2 without the burden the latter transformation places on his body. Gohan shouldn't go super Saiyan using his ultimate form. Plus, Gohan was just as confident about fighting him. Gohan and Goku defeat the androids and Cell, trunks (son of yamcha) comes to give the medicine to Goku. In September 2015, Xeno Trunks debuted. It's only natural for a child of that lineage to be born with an immense level of untapped power and potential, something fans witness throughout Dragon Ball Z. But the fact that Android 16 told him that it was okay for him to fight was what ultimately made him understand how important it is for him to fight if it meant defending everyone he cared about. In the manga version of Dragon Ball Super, Future Trunks' Super Saiyan 2 looks almost like his Super Saiyan form, with the exception of the two thin bangs framing his forehead, which disappear. Gohan also uses this form to battle Broly when the latter reappears in Dragon Ball Z: Broly - Second Coming. Across the anime and video-game media, characters who occasionally transform into Super Saiyan 2 are portrayed with Super Saiyan hair hairstyle, with the addition of sparks. Gohan's new form explained. [12], Gohan's awakening was extremely emotional and any mental stability he possessed using Super Saiyan Full Power was quickly dwarfed by his remorseless Saiyan instincts, turning him from a gentle and docile individual into a cold and merciless hothead of a warrior and causing him to opt to torture Cell in his vengeance rather than kill him immediately, despite Goku's pleas for him to stop prolonging the fight. Gohan gets more powerful with them everyday. Vegeta also seems to briefly power up into a Super Saiyan 2 just before the end of his fight with Super 17, though he never gets a chance to fight in the form, the reason for this is that when Vegeta is a Super Saiyan and gets back up after being knocked down by Super 17, the transformation sound effect is heard, indicating that he had once again transformed into Super Saiyan 2. Round 2: Super Perfect Cell. Then he is forced to ascend to Super Saiyan 3. Gohan is able to one-shot the Cell Juniors and cripple Full PowerPerfect Cell with just 2 punches. Gohan Beast, also known as "Final Gohan," easily defeated Cell Max and saved Earth once again. The first time fans formally meet Gohan in Dragon Ball Z is when he arrives at the Kame House to meet up with his friends. Goku returns to use this form again during his brief fight against Zamasu in Universe 10. But, timeline-wise, that was not the first time Gohan achieved this form. Technically speaking, he began the transformation at the end of episode 184, but it was during the early part of episode 185 that Gohan was able to complete the transformation and show off how powerful he was. Gohan is able to master the Super Saiyan transformation. Desperate situations in battle appear to be the most common catalysts for this transformation, as they can typically also provide a powerful emotional upheaval that brings about rage, and with-it greater strength than even the first Super Saiyan transformation. Gohan witnesses Goku getting beaten by Raditz. There are two extra Androids and a mysterious biological android known as Cell. such as: techniques, character relationships, internal back-history, its universe, and more. Cell also tried to use Grade III, knowing the drawbacks, and he still couldn't tank a kick to the head - meaning that form was probably weaker than Gohan and he still tried it. After New Cell informs the tournament participants of the Super Cell Games, Shallot upon learning Teen Gohan (post-Cell Games) had achieved the form, he seeks to train under him to learn how to achieve it. The form uses Gohan's energy to reinforce his muscles, which increases the muscle mass and strength without sacrificing speed and causes electric sparks to surround his body. He gains a +20% Inflicted Damage Boost for 20 timer counts every time he uses a Blast Card, and a +30% Blast Damage Buff whenever his Cover Change effect wears off. During his fight with Cell he is proved to be more powerful that Goku but is still beneath Perfect Cell. First appearing during the battle with Cell, Gohan became the strongest fighter in the universe through the Super Saiyan 2 transformation. Either way, that 14.4 sextillion can still be scaled up to account for transformations, including SS4. That puts SS4 Goku's power level at . Super Saiyan 2. Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (Youth) Transformation. With great strength! Android 16 was always a peaceful android that loved life, and he was one of the few people that understood Gohans peaceful mindset as well. Due to bypassing Super Saiyan 2 when transforming from a Super Saiyan into Super Saiyan 3, his Super Saiyan 2 form is never fully revealed in the manga or the anime and remains unused. Why Dragon Ball Consistency in something such as power levels matter! When we were training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, I knew he had hidden strengths, but I never knew he would ascend to this level." After all, Cell only lost the beam struggle because Vegeta distracted him. Damage Multiplier: . Who Is Mystic Gohan & How Strong Is He Compared to Other Dragon Ball Characters. This enraged Gohan, who understood 16s love for life, as the hybrid Saiyan was now convinced that he needed to let his anger and rage loose if it meant protecting everyone on the planet. ~Dante~. Sp Saiya-jin Ts Once on Namek Gohan is able to Fight Frieza Soldiers, Elder Guru is able to unlock Gohan's potential increasing his power dramatically. Ssjloke said: keep telling yourself that. Gohan never put out his full power against Cell I believe as he never needed to go all out on Cell. Against Goku, Kale turns her Super Saiyan 2 state into a "true legendary Super Saiyan". (Note: this is the power level of Gohan's first Super Saiyan transformation.). With this new movie comes a new Gohan transformation, Gohan Beast, which is his strongest form to date. Piccolo's Masenko-575,700,000. After the ritual was completed, Gohan obtained power stronger than his Super Saiyan 2, and it didn't even change his appearance. Both were pretty confident in winning.. so I'd say they were pretty evenly-matched in terms of power. However, during the Cell Saga of Dragon Ball Z, Goku made sure to take charge of his sons training because he realized that he needed all the help he could get against Cell, who had become powerful enough that no other fighter on the planet could match his strength. Also, Shallot's student Cabba after having achieved Super Saiyan Full Power during his travels with Zahha as a member of Future Mai's Resistance faction, is able to achieve his Super Saiyan 2 form after witnessing Bojack's callous disregard for his subordinates Zangya and several Dark Ki empowered Combatants and being reminded of Android 16's noble sacrifice during the Super Cell Games. It's only natural for a child of that lineage to be born with an immense level of untapped power and potential, something . Gohan only used the transformation as a disguise to stop a few criminals and could easily trigger it, especially if he became angry. What is the power level of Goku, the super Saiyan god? In the Dragon Ball universe it seems that if someone is holding back their strength then there is no way to judge their true maximum unless they actually use it. It's true. Piccolo(Injured)330,000,000 . After obtaining this transformation, Gohan made quick work of the Cell Juniors in one blow each. I think Gohan used like 80% of his power to fight Cell and that was the level Cell was aiming to defeat. SPC was stronger till SSj2 went full power, that is what got from Piccolo's comments lol. Yes and no. Manga Gohan learns about the danger of babidi and Major buu and gets in the action, defeating Dabura with only his SSJ 1 form. The aura, meanwhile, is silver with reddish lightning. I don't think Cell was stronger. This was the strongest form a child attained in the series, except for the fusion Gotenks. Canon: SSj2 Gohan Energy is sufficient to fill the Majin Buu Energy Meter to 40%, which means Fat but has 2.5x the power level of an SSJ2. Powered by phpBB Forum Software phpBB Limited, Privacy It is revealed that Future Trunks first attained the form in a desperate battle with Future Dabura, witnessing the death of Future Kibito. Though there is nothing wrong with believing Cell was stronger as either interpretation I believe works in the story. However, in both of the movies, either the Fusion Dance or the Super Saiyan 3 form is used to kill the main enemy. RELATED: 10 Things About Dragon Ball Everyone Either Loves Or Hates. As a peaceful person, he isnt as obsessed with training as Goku and Vegeta are, but he was always one of the strongest characters in the series due to his potential. Appears in All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. During the Tournament Gohan Transforms into a Super Saiyan 2 infront of Kibito Kai. This causes Gohan's hidden power to skyrocket. Vegeta fight Gohan forgetting that the artificial moon was still in the sky causing Gohan to transform into a Great Ape. Champion of the 1st Kanzenshuu Short Story Tenkaichi Budokai. In Dragon Ball Legends during the Tournament of Time, Shallot seeks to learn Super Saiyan 2 upon learning of the form. SSJ2 Gohan is leagues ahead of Super Perfect Cell in raw strength and pure power . False Super Saiyan (, Giji Sp Saiya-jin) is a Saiyan transformation that Goku takes during his battle against Lord Slug in the movie Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug. After defeating Raditz, Piccolo receives a warning about the pair of Saiyans Nappa and Vegeta, who will arrive in two years' time. Goku later says Future Trunks is much stronger than he was before. That was when he began unleashing his power and transformed into Super Saiyan 2. At 100%, Frieza could not defeat Super Saiyan 1 (First . No way Gotenks is as strong as Majin Vegeta or close in base. Gohan unleashes a huge and powerful blast to Frieza hoping it would do something, but nothing happens to him. Is Gohan stronger than Goku? 1, 2016, 7:01 p Female Goku All Transforms To SSj SSj God SSJ Blue - Mods Pack X2m Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 DBXV2: Cac 25+ Epic Transformations K-SSJ1-SK-2-3-L-4-F4-5-6-7-8-G-R-B-BK-BE-G My Pregnancy Story This is a mod game Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 SB RV this file is tested. [17] This is the reason why Goku knew about this power before Gohan transformed into it during his fight with Cell, and was also the reason why Goku decided that, if anyone had a chance at defeating Cell, it was Gohan. When Gohan was first introduced by Goku to his friends, they became alarmed after learning Gohan still had his tail. This would come to pass in the movie Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. As a reward, kaioshin offers to train gohan and gohan accepts. Users While physical change is not too drastic apart from a slight . In the end We are all satisfied And you are set free!" Discussion, generally of an in-universe nature, regarding any aspect of the franchise (including movies, spin-offs, etc.) The Super Saiyan 2 transformation can be achieved by a Saiyan through various means and differ throughout its users, though a necessary prerequisite is possessing high enough battle power, as well as possessing Super Saiyan Full Power first. Super Saiyan 2 Goku was strong enough to deal some damage and leave Goku Black in pain. SSJ 2 Gohan: 3,500,000,000 Cell Juniors: 1,750,000,000 by kuartus4 Sat Jan 03, 2015 5:10 pm, Post Nevertheless, they couldnt defeat him, and that was when Goku made the decision to convince Gohan to fight Cell one-on-one. Gohan reveals that we has suppressing his power and was ready to fight Vegeta. Gohan was the first person to advance to this transformation while battling Cell. Final Round: Majin Vegeta. He became strong enough to survive a one-on-one battle against Cell, even though he was over-matched. after the buu saga, powers are based on Theory and multipliers DRAGON BALL CLSSICO Contents. [22] However, the transformation must be triggered in response to a great need, an example being in Goku's case to defeat Frieza. Level 1: 1st Anniversary. Gohan emerges from the Time Chamber even more powerful than Goku. Gohan's power is derived from his astoundingly high Damage . Super Perfect Cell's Solar Kamehameha Power Increasing-102,000,000,000. Cell wanted Gohan to become stronger so that he could have an interesting fight, and that was why he was pacing himself in that battle and even made things interesting by having his Cell Jr. clones attack Goku and the rest of Gohans friends. Seven years after the Cell Games, Gohan demonstrates the Super Saiyan 2 transformation to Kibito at the World Martial Arts Tournament. Frieza stabs Krillin leaving him for dead. Increased Drop. It was ultimately when Android 16 tried to sacrifice himself to defeat Cell, as he thought that he still had that self-destruct bomb that was supposedly powerful enough to defeat the bio-android. Later when he meets Caulifla after Shallot gathers five righteous Saiyans to perform the Super Saiyan God ritual, both Cabba and Caulifla congratulate each other on achieving Super Saiyan 2, though Caulifla finds it odd as the Cabba of her era had already seen it, to Cabba's confusion causing Caulifla to realize he is from a different period in time. Updated on January 27, 2023, by Brittanie Maldonado: After years of waiting, Gohan fans finally got to see their favorite character take the center stage again in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. Even though it still retained its properties, the form had grown weaker because of Gohan's break from fighting. Since gohan keeps training, elder guru can unlock more potential from him, giving him an insane power boost, allowing him to defeat zarbon and dodoria. Kefla reveals her Super Saiyan 2 form during her battle against Ultra Instinct Sign Goku; however, the form did little to help, as Goku dodged most of her attacks until Kefla was knocked by a Kamehameha. Born and raised as a peaceful child, Gohan didn't learn to fight from a young age like his father, but certain circumstances forced him to undergo a harsh training regime. Most media portray it as being spikier and slightly longer than the latter, however. Gohan demonstrates his Super Saiyan 2 form to Kibito. Beginning in January 2014 with Bardock was added. I figure that SSj2 Gohan when enraged and going all-out is a good bit more powerful than Super Perfect Cell, but he's about equal to Cell or even a little weaker when he's no longer raging and discouraged. In May 2014, Vegito appeared followed by Gogeta in July 2014. But the crucial difference between them lies not only in how they view the world, but in how the world views them. Anime And 16s death was the ultimate catalyst that forced his feelings of anger to the surface so that he could allow his inner power to take over and unlock a new Super Saiyan form. In Dragon Ball Super, Future Trunks' hair as Super Saiyan 2 does not change from his Super Saiyan in the anime version, a trait that was taken to Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. Gohan emerges from the Time Chamber even more powerful than Goku. OUT OF DATE PAGE Bardock: 5,000 Bardock's Teammate: 450 Gine: 100 Kakarot: 2 (Frieza Arc; in vision): 85,000 Frieza (First Form): 530,000 2% True Form (Frieza Arc; in . Gohan seems to use it during the battle with Super 17, as his hairstyle changes to match that of a Super Saiyan 2. After freeing the Z-Sword on the planet of the Kai's, Gohan was able to use the Z-Sword in his training which greatly increased his power. Gohan is easily defeated by Lord Beerus in this form. Gohan also briefly transforms into the form when unleashing alongside Goten and what is presumed to be Goku's spirit one final Kamehameha to break through Broly's weakened Omega Blaster. The Super Saiyan 2 form makes its first movie appearance in Dragon Ball Z: Bojack Unbound, where the Z Fighters struggle to combat Bojack and his henchmen. Alternate names Super Saiyan 2 Goku in Wrath of the Dragon. Gohan's regular Kamehameha overpowered Cell's full-power Solar Kamehameha and his full-power Kamehameha was strong enough to disintegrate Cell. [Goku & Vegeta VS Gohan & Trunks POWER LEVEL Over The Years All Forms DB/DBZ/DBGT/DBS/SDBH] in this video I demonstrate Ultra Instinct Goku power level and U. After breaking the sword in two and releasing the Old Kai, Gohan underwent a 24-hour ritual to unlock all his potential. In the manga, Future Trunks fights an even battle with Goku, both as Super Saiyan 2. During the training, Goku teaches Gohan how to channel his anger and attain the Super Saiyan transformation without needing to train excessively like Vegeta or experience an emotional trigger like Goku. Teen Gohan does not evolve any further. However, they are not always present (especially in the anime; Gohan and Vegeta lack the trait completely in some episodes) and may sometimes appear on a charging Super Saiyan (such as Vegito) causing some viewers to mistake the regular Super Saiyan form for a Super Saiyan 2. Keep in mind I'm not just talking about SSJ2 Gohan after he was weakened. Gohan. The transformation debuts with Gohan in the manga and the anime during his showdown with Cell in the Cell Games (Cell himself achieving the form not long after). While the battle is even for a while, Goku soon manages to overpower Zamasu. Moderators: General Help, Kanzenshuu Staff, Post Super Saiyan 2 ( 2 , Sp Saiya-jin Ts), initially referred to as Super Saiyan Fifth Grade at the time of its debut, though referred to as "Ascended Super Saiyan" in the Funimation dub only, is the direct successor to the first Super Saiyan transformation.It is very similar to the original form in appearance and attainment; however, the power . In the anime Daizenshuu, this form was originally labeled as the true Super Saiyan form, but later re-labeled as Giji or "False" Super Saiyan after the actual Super Saiyan form was introduced in the manga series . Similar Techniques According to the lore, Gohan's stored kinetic energy caused these sparks. At the time Goku couldn't believe that Freeza was holding back so much of his power. After his battle with the Ginyu force, Gohan's power grows to new heights, Vegeta believes that if Gohan Krillin and himself work together they would be able to take out Frieza. The form is playable for Gohan, Goku, and Vegeta in several Dragon Ball Z video games. After seeing his wife being hit by Beerus, Vegeta becomes an outraged Super Saiyan 2. Power up! In another hand, Cell is close to Gohan at 100%, like Piccolo Daima was close to Kid Goku. Gohan does indeed gain access to a new form during the events of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. According to some guides, Super Saiyan 2 is twice as strong as the first Super Saiyan form,[14][15] one guide also notes that its power surpasses the likes of Super Saiyan Third Grade and Legendary Super Saiyan.[16]. In the Dragon Ball Super manga it is revealed that like how the original Super Saiyan form could be upgraded through training to gain power enhancements or become mastered, the Super Saiyan 2 form can be improved as well. Super Saiyan 2 Future Trunks impressed to see Goku as Super Saiyan 3. Gohan has been a prominent fixture in the Dragon Ball series ever since his introduction at the start of the Saiyan saga, which kicked off Dragon Ball's Dragon Ball Z era. But with the snap of time gohan lo. It was only with help from Goku and Vegeta that Gohan needed to summon enough power to destroy Super Perfect Cell. Unleash your true power, it's the only way." So much so that even when his power level dipped as he broke his arm saving Vegeta from Cell attack killing him and he could only use one hand to power up a Kamehameha, his was still strong enough to kill Cell. 1 Emperor Pilaf Saga; . However, when Gohan fought the Cell Juniors in his Super Saiyan 2 form, he killed all of them effortlessly on his own with simple, single blows while also being unaffected by their most powerful attacks. Caulifla's Super Saiyan 2 spikes up her hair completely, making the lower part standing above her shoulders. Caulifla moments after transforming into Super Saiyan 2 for the first time. Eventually, after training with Vegeta, Future Trunks became stronger in this state, able to hold his own against Goku Black as a Super Saiyan Ros for a brief time, buying just enough time for Goku and Vegeta to return to the future timeline - though at that point Black has Future Trunks at his mercy. Round 1: Full Power Dabura. Gohan has been a prominent fixture in the Dragon Ball series ever since his introduction at the start of the Saiyan saga, which kicked off Dragon Ball's Dragon Ball Z era. Ultimate Gohan is the culmination . During the Universe Survival saga in Dragon Ball Super, Gohan declared his intent to find a different power outside the realm of Super Saiyan, utilizing his Ultimate form. Unfortunately, because Gohan wasn't in peak condition, instead of being a game-changing maneuver, it was simply a tool to make himself look stronger than he was. The form had grown weaker because of training and controlling his power distracted. 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