A 1938 photo of Heinrich Himmler and his daughter Gudrun at a sports even in Berlin. One thing that seemed to pain my father was that the Allies bombed some of the camps, killing inmates. I cannot state enough that there was no policy to kill innocent people simply because of racial ideas. They were then able to convince leaders that the Bible really is about the Jew and not about Europeans; we are only secondary along with all other gentiles. National Socialism was born a hard birth and died a fiery death, but it must happen that way to waken more of our racial brethren than what Germany had the power to do. The commander laughed that the prisoners lived better than he did. The Fhrer was a true gift to the German people, he opened eyes to a new and better world that someday will come, like a phoenix. Some went to South America looking for evidence of Europeans there as well as in America. He did however want people to see another side of the Church that was not healthy for the people. The commander laughed that the prisoners lived better than he did. This was in 1941, when we were supposed to be killing them all. My father was proud of the French who sent many people to help us, either in the factories or the front. The BND agency declassified the documents on Gudrun Burwitz-Himmler at the Bild newspaper's request. He did however want people to see another side of the Church that was not healthy for the people. Every race was given a way to worship their creator, the European people found a God who worked well for us for 2 thousand years. He studied agriculture at university, and joined the Nazi Party in 1923 and the SS in 1925. He continued to call her by her childhood nickname Pppi throughout his life. It was the Allies who are the masters of propaganda, convincing millions that a nation and its people must die and suffer because they are a threat to freedom. That day he bit on his concealed cyanide capsule and was dead within two minutes. He was always so kind and spoke to me as if everything I said to him meant a lot. Therefore, she is the great-niece of Heinrich Himmler. History tells us he was an occultist and worked to destroy the Church and persecute Christians. They died fighting for a better world in which a man is judged by the way he cares for his people and their future on this earth. At that time the organisation was under the control of Reinhard Gehlen, a former Nazi military intelligence commander who left the BND in 1968. I was around my father often, even during the war, if there was a state plan to kill Jews I would have heard it, even if by accident. To me he was like a family member. Her husband was not happy. Gudrun: I have to laugh at that, that book is pure fiction. We loved the Europe of our ancestors, and wanted to preserve the priceless culture that has given the world every good thing it knows today. Heydrich brought National Socialist ideas to the people and vastly started to improve their lives during a war in which everyone had to sacrifice. The great British historian David Irving is writing a biography of Heinrich Himmler and I'm sure there will be much info about Gudrun in it. The blood and soil concept was a back to the roots of our ancestors' idea; it was in this that our gene pool would be repaired. They were to be the new vanguard of a genetic repopulation of Germany to make up for the losses of the first war and its aftermath. Reichsfhrer Himmler was a leading official in Hitler's Third Reich as well as the leader of the SS, the Nazis' elite black-shirted military unit. The German pink press of the early 1940s surrendered to the charm of the young girl Gudrun Himmler. Nothing sinister about looking into your past to see about improving your future. My father's concern was that in just the last 200 years Jews have wormed their way into our religion, even to the point of working on translating parts of the Bible to suit their needs. Gudrun: My father was a man of incredible honor, love, and loyalty. Gudrun Margarete Elfriede Emma Anna Burwitz was the daughter of Heinrich Himmler and Margaret Himmler. The SS idea was to turn our people back to their roots from where they came and away from the modern Judeo church whom was seen as a destructive Trojan horse to weaken the people, and turn them from their God. Gudrun: I have to laugh at that, that book is pure fiction. Gudrun: Yes I did, in 1941 my father asked me to come with him so I could see how prisoners were getting along in Germanys largest and oldest camp. She is a true believer and, like all zealots, that makes her dangerous.. You no doubt are referring to my fathers good friend Reinhard Heydrich when you speak of Czechoslovakia. Gudrun: I was around many if not all of the high leaders of the SS, so you could say I know more about the organization my father founded than most. Over the years she has given help to people like Anton Malloth, a supervisor of Theresienstadt. Your father is accused of ordering the killing of millions, putting millions of others in concentration camps, and overseeing a police state whom terrorized anyone who did not comply. It shows you how powerful propaganda is. She simply refused. Those in charge fell for that claim, and came down harshly on people even if just by rumor, something Heydrich would have been against as he would have wanted hard evidence. Gudrun: My father was a man of incredible honor, love, and loyalty. He was wrong in this, and our captors mistreated us. She has a genuine love for these men and women who served the worst parts of the Nazi regime from 1933 until 1945. My father was key in using his police to root out Germans who worked for the Allies, it took the July 20th attempt to help find them all, and they had by this time made many contacts. No conversation about National Socialism is complete without talking about the Jews, and the crimes they claim to be victims of. We loved the Europe of our ancestors, and wanted to preserve the priceless culture that has given the world every good thing it knows today. Gudrun: Not in a million years. It is too bad we were not given the luxury of being able to un-occupy these people and turn them over to true National Socialist leaders. Germany was forced to occupy nations so that we could protect our borders during time of war, in no way did our leaders wish to impose our beliefs on these nations. Fortunately, he was exposed as a fraud, a liar, and an inept amateur. Did you ever see a concentration camp? To teach hatred and allow it keeps this world in a state of where we will never grow to a peaceful existence. I heard my father give orders that life in the transit and prison camps be made comfortable and tolerable for the prisoners. The German Christians were a good start, and my father attended many services by pastors who understood the Jewish influence on the Christian religion was not a good thing and led to false teachings. We wished no ill will on any other people, but we demanded they leave us alone. These homes gave women a safe haven to prepare for birth and stay after birth. The Fhrer and those around him saw the problems, identified what was causing the problems, and showed the solution to solve the problems. Germany's foreign intelligence agency has declassified documents regarding its employment of the daughter of top Nazi Heinrich Himmler as a secretary in the early 1960s, the country's top-selling newspaper reported Thursday. Gudrun: No, I heard enough evidence by speaking with my fathers friends and those who were with him until the end. My father was key in using his police to root out Germans who worked for the Allies, it took the July 20th attempt to help find them all, and they had by this time made many contacts. She lost weight, fell sick, and stopped developing. The commander laughed that the prisoners lived better than he did. I still remember going for walks and smelling all the gourmet food from the mom and pop stores that lined the streets, under National Socialism everyone was encouraged to start a small business or to have a good career, so we had many shops to choose from. It was to be a place of honor for high SS leaders, so that future generations could honor the sacrifices they made to bring us a better world through National Socialism. What did you know about the Ahnenerbe, Wewelsburg, and the Lebensborn? It is understood she has never been, perhaps even doubtful that the Americans would grant an entry visa to the daughter of the man who gave the world Auschwitz. One gets hungry after not eating for 10 days or so. Nature is clear about that, the problem, or question is who he is. Burwitz-Himmler's father led the paramilitary SS, which oversaw the Nazis' system of concentration camps and death camps. I am still with this organization and was happy that your President Reagan visited Bitburg where many SS men rest to lay a wreath. The lies of the Allies will someday be exposed and the world will know Germany was right and justified in the conduct of the war. The Fuhrer was likewise very fond of children and animals. He also spoke about the East and people he met in the camps. The commander laughed that the prisoners lived better than he did. When it was taken, men and women were dying just yards away. He commanded the SS (Schutzstaffel) - the organisation which played a major role in murdering millions of Jews, Poles, Soviet prisoners-of-war, Roma and others categorised as "racially inferior" during the Holocaust. Can you speak about this? Germans have always revered our history; you will see in our very old cathedrals' images from our Germanic past, the gods our ancestors prayed to, and it is all tied into our modern worldview of religion. It was a strange feeling, my father was very high up in the Reich government but yet I felt, and my father reinforced this, that we were part of the people, no better and no worse. There was nothing sinister about any of these organizations. They found evidence of European, who also can mostly be called Aryan, mummies in Tibet and China, Iran, and all over what we call Persia or the Middle East. For in her heart Gudrun Burwitz remains Gudrun Himmler, the beloved daughter of Nazi Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler, the lord of death in the Third Reich who ran the Gestapo, the SS and the entire extermination programme which murdered six million Jews. He commissioned studies of our history, to trace the footsteps of our ancestors, where did they originate and why were they so intelligent and advanced when other races stayed the same? The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Some went to South America looking for evidence of Europeans there as well as in America. Her father had one of the most powerful roles during the Holocaust, but Gudrun refused to see it. Shiveringday and night she lay delirious on the bed in her cell. Her father was head of the Schutzstaffel (SS) and a close friend of Adolf Hitler, the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP). They withheld food and water, hygiene items, groped my mother and me, threatened us with rape and said I would be sent to Russia. Gudrun: Be clear in what you are stating. Germany's foreign intelligence agency has declassified documents regarding its employment of the daughter of top Nazi Heinrich Himmler as a secretary in the early 1960s, the country's top-selling newspaper reported Thursday. Even after the trials were over, Gudrun and her mother were forced to live in a protestant nursing home at Bethel under an alias, because they did not have any money or valuables. Then on May 21 they ran into a patrol of freed Russian PoWs checking people on the road. Gudrun: Yes I did, in 1941 my father asked me to come with him so I could see how prisoners were getting along in Germanys largest and oldest camp. To me he was like a family member. Gudrun: They are traitors plain and simple. 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