[Q10/20], For Reserve component Marines, which occasions require that proficiency and conduct marks be recorded? [Interact with Social Media], True or False You have successfully saved this page as a bookmark. To better understand #meditation as a therapeutic intervention, it may be important to distinguish between emotion regulation outcomes and emotion regulation processes. media for political purposes, and making unofficial posts, tweets or messages that the public will interpret as official messages. Please log in as a SHRM member before saving bookmarks. Theocracy or government by a church-sponsored leader 6 LOCAL PROCEDURES: Commands must develop written local procedures for the approval and release of all information posted on command official use of IbCs. Select all that apply. The Social Media Handbook (Wiley, 2012). While employers have a lot of freedom when writing their social media policies, the lines between personal opinions and those expressed on behalf of the organization are sometimes murky. *You must make it clear that you are speaking for yourself when making a personal post. For answers to social media questions, Guard members should contact their local public affairs office or the National Guard Social Media Office at ngbpa.socialmedia@mail.mil. "It said something about how people were feeling," Weber said. You must follow federal law, as well as Department of Defense, Department of Navy, and Marine Corps regulations and policies. Audit of financial statements}\\ D. Blog To determine composite scores for promotions "Be sure to provide the policy to new hires in the employee handbook," she said. Policy for Family Readiness Officers will be provided in separate guidance. "After reviewing our engagement data, it became clear to us that our employees needed rest," said co-founder and chief people officer Adam Weber, author of Marines must be careful about which online applications they use, since such applications often have access to a user's personal information (e.g., third-party applications on Facebook). SHRM Employment Law & Compliance Conference, How to Create an Effective Social Media Policy, New OSHA Guidance Clarifies Return-to-Work Expectations, Trump Suspends New H-1B Visas Through 2020, Faking COVID-19 Illness Can Have Serious Consequences, The Noncompete Proposal: Right Idea, Wrong Vehicle, Viewpoint: 5 Things Employers Get Wrong About Caregivers at Work, Viewpoint: A Trip Through the Politics-at-Work Minefield. b. Unofficial Internet posts are not initiated by any part of the Marine Corps or reviewed within any official Marine Corps approval process. B. D. A document that lists the Articles of Confederation 4.5 to 4.8 This policy applies no matter how a Marine comes into possession of a document. Overview. "They want their company to be a good reflection of who they are.". http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/corres/pdf/132506p.pdf, e. Department of the Navy Privacy Program D. Don't post personal identifiable information on social media. [The Promotion System], Participation, Openness, Conversation, Community, Connectedness Marines should learn about and use the privacy settings on social media sites. !tX {bMo=
=*(n)|#IsAl3Fi-A in:D.1z3OOl}Q|d[ v`G
Type a message. %%EOF
To maintain the needed strength in each grade and MOS If you toss a coin four times, it's much more likely to land in the order HTHT than HHHH. (2) Individuals posting must make no attempt to disguise, impersonate, or otherwise misrepresent their identities or }
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DOES NOT INCLUDE MARTIAL ARTS BELT One approach is to distinguish in the policy between what employees are allowed to post on the company's social media sites and what they can post about the company on their own personal accounts, said Daniel Prywes, an employment litigator with Morris, Manning & Martin in Washington, D.C. "There may be restrictions on a state-by-state basis about what employers can do with respect to an employee's use of personal social media," he said. USMCSocialMedia AT GMAIL.COM, Marine Corps Trademark and Licensing Office
By piecing together information provided on different Websites, criminals can use information to impersonate Guard members and steal passwords. Couples who move apart from each other in challenging times are more likely to see themselves as playing good cop/bad cop. Format your post including the following options: Font size. An active duty member in military uniform can actively participate in partisan political rallies, conventions, or debates on their own behalf. By contrast, official Internet posts involve content released in an official capacity by public affairs Marines, Marine Corps Community Services marketing directors, or commanders designated as releasing authorities. He added that many social media sites have policies that give them ownership of all content and information posted or stored on their sites. You cannot participate in any interview or discussion as an advocate for or against a party, candidate, or cause. Leadership How do people who are happy with their lives view the world. It's going to take people with diverse skills and backgrounds. "Additionally, it's a good idea for HR to ensure that all new employees review and/or train on the social media policy as part of their onboarding process.". For each of the following products and services, indicate whether it is more likely produced in a process operation (P) or in a job order operation (J). [Interact with Social Media], Social Networks, Blogs/Online Journals, Micro-Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, Forums, Content Communities As a member of Official MarineParents.com Facebook Groups, we ask that you follow these 10 Rules for Posting. \end{matrix} Marines should refer to the chain of command or public affairs for guidance if uncertain about the need for or appropriateness of a response. [Q13/20], Which of the following are security measures you should follow when using social media sites? For answers to social media questions, Marines should contact their local public affairs office; top level guidance, support and questions can be directed to the appropriate and applicable points of contact listed below: 3. Social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ allow authors to share links to other work. Which of the following are characteristics of social media? Never post any classified or sensitive information. They are personally responsible for all content that they publish on social networking sites, blogs or other Websites. Guideposts publishes true stories about people who have attained a goal, surmounted an obstacle or learned a helpful lesson through their faith. Narrator: The U.S. Constitution is the shortest and oldest written constitution still in use today. This page is intended as a reference resource for DoD employees and service members. You are allowed to participate in interviews or discussions to advocate for or against a party, cause, or candidate. The additional business is allowing it to hire more people in all departments at the San Francisco headquarters, creating even more jobs locally. To make a single word into a hashtag, put the pound symbol (#) before the word (e.g., #psychology to make "psychology" into a hashtag). Please enable scripts and reload this page. Tennis balls}\\ Some shortcuts are okay to save space, such as using an ampersand instead of the word "and.". This means that some language in the Constitution is no longer valid or has been modified by amendments. Use a table like the one below to summarize the features of government-levels of government and types of government- that exist around the world. Continuous feelings of love? [Interact with Social Media], True or False Ensure all eligible Marines receive an equitable opportunity to compete for promotion. Decide whether each of the following statements makes sense (or is clearly true) or does not make sense (or is clearly false). The rule book that governs our nation Bulleted list or Numbered list. Preamble, thirteen articles Moderator - Can respond to and delete comments on the page, send messages as the page, see which admin created a post or comment, create ads, and view insights. Nation's play book We may work with law enforcement, including when we believe that there's risk of physical harm or threat to public safety. ", The key to developing effective social media policies is to clearly define the subjective term "offensive," Kluger added. D. Meritorious promotion [Interact with Social Media], True or False Keep all important information out of Social Media. $("span.current-site").html("SHRM China ");
Research has shown that shorter tweets (around 100 characters) are shared more often. D. You are responsible for the content you post on social media and other websites. C. Don't click on links, start downloads, or open e-mail attachments unless the source can be trusted. Trademark_Licensing AT USMC.MIL, c. HQMC C4, Information Assurance [Q20/20], PME ANSWERS Leading Marines Admin and Communi, NURS-272_Final (W9) - ATI (RN Adult Medical S, Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition, George C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry, Christina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F Cole, Accrued fees earned but not recorded at June. [Interact with Social Media], True or False. (write/post/share) on the internet that is NOT in an official Navy capacity Content includes, but is not limited to, personal comments, photographs, video, and graphics. Distill the essential message, finding, or implication into a concise package using words the average member of the public would understand. 4.5 to 4.8 Tennisballs\begin{matrix} Members may download one copy of our sample forms and templates for your personal use within your organization. Analyst - Can see which admin created a post or comment and view insights. Annual Marine Corps Order 3070.2 B. Marines should be cautious and guard against cyber criminals and attackers by following sound security procedures (Questions regarding security issues can be directed to HQMC C4 Information Assurance personnel). [Q4/20], The purposes of proficiency and conduct marks include which of the following? "Social media is often viewed as a marketing function. During the initial phase of the pandemic, leaders at employee engagement measurement company Emplify instructed their data team to stop what they were working on and focus on developing a COVID-19 well-being assessment tool. A. Please purchase a SHRM membership before saving bookmarks. People who are collaborative and adaptive, and are driven to achieving this rewarding . C. Social network Tenniscourts_______2. Marines are also prohibited from releasing Marine Corps e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, or fax numbers not already authorized for public release. To email the points of contact below, use the @ symbol instead when pasting the address into your email client. else if(currentUrl.indexOf("/about-shrm/pages/shrm-mena.aspx") > -1) {
UNOFFICIAL INTERNET POSTS. Integrate these hashtags into your post or put them at the end of the post. That said, it's also important not to lose sight of HR's role in keeping social media in line with the company's other policies. Social Media Principles." You must adhere to policy in Department of Defense Directive 1344.10 when posting political content. (1) Clearly identify that the post is official in nature and made by an authorized member of the command/activity, to include name, rank, and title of the author (unless the post is made by an administrator). Rule book "Small and medium-sized businesses are not like Facebook or Google, where they have hundreds of people available to monitor what employees are doing," he said. PME ANSWERS Leading Marines Admin and Communi, Corporals course Communications Interact with, Leading Marines - Command and Military Organi, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, Arlene Lacombe, Kathryn Dumper, Rose Spielman, William Jenkins, 4: Das Recht der EU und die Rechtsordnung. http://www.Marines.mil/news/publications/Documents/MCO 5230.18.pdf, h. Marine Corps Operations Security Program However, if Marines decide not to identify themselves as Marines, they should not disguise, impersonate or otherwise misrepresent their identity or affiliation with the Marine Corps. 24 months TIS Question 5 Which of the following are personal privacy security measures to take when using social media? Mission Accomplishment Luxury yachts}\\ u. "In most states it's legal for private-sector employers to terminate at-will employees for their off-duty conduct as long as they aren't members of a protected class," said Mark Kluger, an employment attorney with Kluger Healey in Fairfield, N.J. "Private employers are not obligated to retain employees whose personal views they do not share or which they believe might negatively impact the reputation of the enterprise.". *You must make it clear that you are speaking for yourself when making a personal post. Neither members nor non-members may reproduce such samples in any other way (e.g., to republish in a book or use for a commercial purpose) without SHRMs permission. Please log in as a SHRM member. Select all that apply. Trademark_Licensing AT USMC.MIL, HQMC C4, Information Assurance
The maximum length for a tweet is 140 characters, but you must keep some space in reserve for when your message is retweeted, as this adds extra characters to the message. [The Promotion System], 8 months TIG Marines also should take care not to express or imply Marine Corps endorsement of any opinions, products or causes other than those already officially endorsed by the Marine Corps. Luxuryyachts_______5. Guidelines for making unofficial posts include? Have each other's back. MARADMIN 181/10 National government, state government, and county government So the company decided to implement a four-day workweek for a month to give their employees time to recover. ONLINE SOCIAL MEDIA GUIDANCE Please confirm that you want to proceed with deleting bookmark. #1 Analytics Tool for Growth. var temp_style = document.createElement('style');
Couples who work together balance each other, work as a team, and build each other up. Confederacy or a federal government with limited powers over the states hVmO@+qHRQ4^6
ho%"M$Hg;/$P}>"1L0)\8 fR'8HI)3V@2LcK)#ao_Cz/vU4.afm ]|8 up==I/Wm|G/S&y:euxz{P-Bc}|nk&_-!I}ftSh"iN:dir{cQ9IHJ.C2C&D~Ri69cm[PbXjTmyT,XY1-/w}N_|JN1U}W]GpD9$0cQ4p$k)tHBMIKR@ gDJMH7G.n8DN ) Wo0#(q2cjxA#Ml+yGVm*>Aau6k1bde7z)])QN/ c'[mxh7CM@P0uJ!@]dyP
f;yvvC5o`og5.CM}J+]g }q_#RpMGG I_`-pCw # U.nMp@+|%p An official website of the United States government, NGB Offers Social Media Guidelines for Guardsmen, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. Marines should contact HQMC Division of Public Affairs Trademark and Licensing office for further clarification or contact their local legal office for an ethics determination prior to engaging in Internet activity that could violate the standards of conduct. In addition to these skills, every Marine should also learn about the United States Constitution which they pledge to support and defend. The Constitution was signed on 17 September 1787 and later ratified by the states. http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/corres/pdf/DTM-09-026.pdf, b. Guard members should contact their chain of command or public affairs office for guidance if they are uncertain about the need for a response. 703-693-3490 Marine Corps Trademark and Licensing Office "It's important for companies to be transparent about their expectations and what is and is not appropriate to post so there aren't any misunderstandings.". The Marine Corps performs a valuable service around the world every day and Marines are often in the best position to share the Marine Corps story with the domestic and foreign publics. Laguerre believes that this culture of inclusivity has been instrumental in creating a close-knit group of people who have continued to work well together during the pandemic when everyone is working remotely. D. Only discuss Marine Corps issues related to your expertise, experiences, and knowledge. 1073 0 obj
j. The main value of your unofficial book should be your original contribution (e.g. var currentLocation = getCookie("SHRM_Core_CurrentUser_LocationID");
To email the points of contact below, use the @ symbol instead when pasting the address into your email client. Make a real impact. Internet site is considered an "unofficial internet post." Considerations for what you post includes, but is not limited to, your personal comments, photographs, video, and graphics. Guidelines for making unofficial posts include? Select all that apply. Install and maintain current anti-virus, anti-malware, and anti-spyware software on your computer. Never post any classified or sensitive information. $("span.current-site").html("SHRM MENA ");
this maradmin provides guidance for marines who in their personal capacity desire to make unofficial posts on the internet regarding marine corps-related topics. Select all that apply. DON'T: Violate the Hatch Act Embrace change. Martinez advises that companies don't need to constantly monitor what their employees are saying on social media. "But they do need to be aware of things that can create issues for the company, like racially insensitive comments, derogatory comments that incite violence or criminal actions," he said. (H stands for heads and T for tails.). What were the goals for writing the Constitution? As with other forms of communication, Marines are responsible for adhering to Federal law, Marine Corps regulations and governing policies when making unofficial Internet posts. [Constitution], 27 Total Have Been Added to the Constitution, Individual's right in the country. In accordance with these guidelines, Marines are encouraged to responsibly engage in unofficial Internet posts about the Marine Corps and Marine Corps-related topics. $(document).ready(function () {
[Interact with Social Media], True or False A Marine who violates Federal law, regulations or policies through inappropriate personal online activity is subject to disciplinary action under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). %PDF-1.5
Bold. He recommends that HR or IT run periodic screenings to determine whether there is anything being posted online concerning the company but cautions them to limit their monitoring to publicly available information. http://www.Marines.mil/news/publications/Documents/MCO%205239.2.pdf, g. Clearance of DoD Information for Public Release Thus Marines should use their best judgment at all times and keep in mind how the content of their posts will reflect upon themselves, their unit, and the Marine Corps. }
The Marine Corps performs a valuable service around the world every day and Marines are often in the best position to share the Marine Corps' story with the domestic and foreign publics. Tags: Use this feature to tag and track positive engagements so you can easily include them in your weekly or monthly reports. Correcting errors and misrepresentations made by others about the National Guard should be done professionally and respectfully, not emotionally. D. Always turn on and use the global positioning system (GPS) function on personal digital devices. The researchers found that gratitude and spiritual well-being were related to better mood and sleep, less fatigue, and more self-efficacy, and that gratitude fully or partially mediated the beneficial effects of spiritual well-being on those endpoints. But the intense group effort also took a toll on the 65-person company in Fishers, Ind. Tennis courts}\\ Guidelines for making unofficial post include which of the following? Remember, what happens online, is available to everyone, everywhere," Harrison said. document.head.append(temp_style); You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. This guidance is provided for Marines who, in their personal capacity, desire to make unofficial posts online, regarding Marine Corps-related topics. Select all that apply. The original cost of the old bus was $52,000\$ 52,000$52,000. When in doubt, Marines should contact the unit operations officer, security officer, intelligence officer, or public affairs officer for guidance. n. Marines should be cautious and guard against cyber criminals and attackers by following sound security procedures (Questions regarding security issues can be directed to HQMC C4 Information Assurance personnel). Acknowledgement of duty bound allegiance to the Constitution and swear that you will obey the orders of the President and the officers appointed over you. The National Guard, Army or Air Force logo and other symbols may be used in unofficial posts as long as the symbols are used in a manner that does not bring discredit upon the Guard, result in personal financial gain or give the impression of official or implied endorsement. Though there are no length restrictions for Facebook or Google+ posts, the optimal length (i.e., resulting in maximum engagement) of a Facebook post is reportedly 40 characters. The Leading Marines distance education program (DEP) serves as the foundation of the professional military education building block program, and supports the development of the requisite leadership skills for our future leaders. Narrator: Today, most countries are governed by core documents that give rise to the rest of their laws. [Constitution], Executive Branch (Head of State and Commander in Chief) (for Articles) Federal law, regulations and policies that directly impact a Marine's conduct mandate personal standards of conduct, operational security, information assurance, release of personally identifiable information, ethics regulations, and the release of information to the public. var currentUrl = window.location.href.toLowerCase();
703-614-7678 [The Promotion System], Regular Promotion Preamble, seven articles, and amendments MP@MarineParents.com, CLICK HERE. [Q7/20], If a senior evaluates a Marine as "outstanding" in proficiency, what marking range with the senior choose a mark from? B. The Constitution was signed on 17 September 1787 by thirty-nine delegates from twelve states. Which of the following are guidelines from the DoD policy for political activities by members of the armed forces? The Department of Commerce is committed to operating all its communications and transactions with individuals and organizations in an open and transparent way. [Constitution], Supremacy Clause (All laws and treaties under the Constitution are laws of the land.) All DoD personnel - military and civilian - should be mindful of the various limitations that exist when it comes to participation in political activity, particularly during an election year. Select Format . if(currentUrl.indexOf("/about-shrm/pages/shrm-china.aspx") > -1) {
[Constitution], Preamble Let our Employee Handbook Builder assist you. On the basis of the following data, (a) journalize the adjusting entries at June 30 , the end of the current fiscal year, and (b) journalize the reversing entries on July 1, the first day of the following year: Mathews Bus Service traded in a used bus for a new one. A. Nearly three-quarters of all working adults in the U.S. use social media before, during and after work each business day, according to a 2019 Pew Research Center survey.And with so many employees . A. "People want to work somewhere that aligns with their values," said Laguerre. [Q15/20], The Constitution separates the powers of the federal government among which entities? We put together a Facebook guidelines template that you can use and modify for your PTO or PTA. When posting political content, Guard members must adhere to policy in Department of Defense Directive 1344.10. MarinesAT afn.dma.mil, b. Select all that apply. See the references listed below for more details. This includes posting any defamatory, libelous, obscene, abusive, threatening, racially or ethnically hateful or otherwise offensive or illegal information or material. By word count, the Constitution is the shortest written constitution in use today. "It's important to bring marketing and HR into the same conversation." a. Use a URL shortener such as bitly (https://bit.ly) to make the URL of your study as short as possible. Ensure that only the best and fully qualified Marines are promoted. a. Posting internal documents or information that the National Guard has not officially released to the public is prohibited, including memos, e-mails, meeting notes, message traffic, white papers, public affairs guidance, pre-decisional materials, investigatory information and proprietary information. We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common Defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, to ordain and establish this Constitution of the United States of America. http://www.Marines.mil/news/messages/Pages/MARADMIN0458-09.aspx, j. Department of Defense Directive 1325.06 By contrast, official Internet posts involve content released in an official capacity by public affairs Marines, Marine Corps Community Services marketing directors, or commanders designated as releasing authorities. Select all that apply. Select all that apply. 10 Reglas en Espaol We also may disable entire accounts for violations of our Community Guidelines. *Never post critical information to social media sites. When the economy is unstable, employers are faced with difficult decisions around staffing, pay and benefits. C. The supreme law of the land [Q2/20], What are the basic components of the Constitution? Marines who violate the Marine Corps symbols (ega and/or coat of arms) are potentially subject to legal proceedings. "A social media policy needs to be positive and support productivity rather than limit it, censor it and hold employees down. Use sound judgment and common sense abiding by Core Values and UCMJ. Select all that apply. Executive, legislative, judicial Individual Character Aim not to exceed the length of conclusions and implications section of the translational abstract or your public significance statement (30 to 100 words or no more than 13 sentences). http://doni.daps.dla.mil/Directives/05000%20General%20Management%20Security%20and%20Safety%20Services/05-200%20Management%20Program%20and%20Techniques%20Services/5211.5E.pdf, f. Marine Corps Information Assurance Program Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day, Veterans Day: What's the Difference? Guard members should not post information that would infringe upon the privacy, proprietary or personal rights of others or use any words, logos or other marks that would infringe upon the trademark, service mark, certification mark, or other intellectual property rights of the owners of such marks without the permission of the owners. Select all that apply. Supreme law of the land b. Permissible activities include: (1) register to vote and vote, (2) express a personal opinion on political candidates or issues, (3) promote and encourage others to vote, (4) write a letter to the . Which of the following are guidelines from the DoD policy for political activities by members of the armed forces? Including the Completion of: PMEs, MarineNet Courses, Institute Courses, Off-Duty Education LevelofgovernmentExampleTypeofgovernmentExampleWE^E^E^E^E^\begin{matrix} Marines must remember however, to respond and act with their minds and not their emotions when posting content. Republican government or representative democracy D. Don't express or imply Marine Corps endorsement of any opinion, product, or causes.. a. 3.0 to 3.9 LevelofgovernmentExampleTypeofgovernmentWE^E^E^E^E^Example. Finally, this course provides the do's and don'ts of interacting with social media, giving Marines guidelines for posting content online. Use common sense when using Social Media unofficially. [Q18/20], Which of the following are guidelines for making unofficial posts on social media? 2019 Pew Research Center survey. Marines should always use strong passwords (10-digit passwords comprised of lower- and upper-case letters, numbers, and symbols) to protect their online / social media accounts from getting hacked. The story may be your own or someone else's. Observe the Writer's Guidelines Read More D. Only discuss Marine Corps issues . \text{\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 6. Marines must be aware that criminals use the Internet to gain information for unscrupulous activities such as identity theft. Remember, what happens online, is available to everyone, everywhere. REF K IS THE DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY PUBLIC AFFAIRS POLICY AND REGULATIONS. Tennisballs. Act of one branch "double-checking" the other to ensure that there is a balance of power. Be aware of security measures regarding your identity and finances. Accumulated depreciation at the time of the trade-in amounted to $34,000\$ 34,000$34,000. Their ability to cope is enhanced if the couple engages in coparenting, or a coming together to work through the challenges. As with other forms of communication, Marines are responsible for adhering to Federal law, Marine Corps regulations and governing policies when making unofficial Internet posts. l. Marines are encouraged to professionally and respectfully correct errors and misrepresentations made, by others, about the Marine Corps. A typical story is a first-person narrative with a spiritual point that the reader can apply to his or her own life. Points of Contact. At Qode Social, a 20-person social media marketing company in Toronto, new employees are asked to read and sign the social media policy to commit that they understand and agree to abide by the rules. Don't use "Minecraft" as the first word or dominant part of your book title. When posting on social media, don't express or imply Marine Corps endorsement of your opinions, products, or causes other than those already officially endorsed by the Marine Corps. Your cover art should not use official Minecraft artwork (e.g. s. Marines should review their accounts daily for possible use or changes by unauthorized users. A response regulation outcomes and emotion regulation outcomes and emotion regulation processes want their company to be good. Proceed with deleting bookmark content you post on social media Internet posts are not initiated any... 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